Eat Smart

Learn to eat smart by following these great tips written by Melaleuca professionals.

Move your body–boost your brain.

A study conducted at the University of British Columbia and published in the February 24, 2013 edition of The Journal of Aging Research, found that there was a direct correlation between exercise and memory. The study followed dozens of women ages 70-80 who suffer from mild cognitive impairment. Participants answered questions that tested spatial and verbal memory, then they were divided into three groups. One group regularly lifted weights, one group engaged in brisk walking, and the third group simply stretched. After 6 months, the stretching group scored worse on the memory tests, while the other two groups performed better. While both exercising groups improved on the spatial memory test (your remembrance of where things are […]

The Whole Story on Whole Grains

“Whole grain.” The term seems to be popping up everywhere from your breakfast cereal and bread to your favorite chocolate chip cookies. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it so good for you? It all starts with a closer look at the grain. Grain’s AnatomySome of the grains you’ve known and loved for years are “whole grains,” but you probably know them as wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley, quinoa, sorghum, spelt, and rye.The fact is, all grains start out as “whole grains,” meaning they include all three parts of the grain: When grain is refined—often to produce a lighter, finer flour—the bran and germ are stripped away along with about 25% of […]